Monday, March 24, 2008

Ban cigarette display

Another hope for a cleaner world [cleaner lungs] from UK...

I wonder when is Jordan going to do anything about the plague of smoking?

[[Displaying cigarettes in shops could be banned under government plans being considered in a bid to reduce smoking and discourage children from starting.]] BBC has the rest of the story


Anonymous said...

I hope never... UK is becomeinga worst than Guantanamo where everything is forbidden and you are followed by cameras 24h hours a day
You should see the new Terminal 5 at Heathrow...scary surveillance and following. It is time to stop this nonsense of banning everything...if somebody wants to smoke good for them....

super devojka said...

what I'm talking about is totally different...
I'm talking about one of the major threats to our health as a society; smokers and non smokers just the same...
not to mention many many harmful effects...
one of the teaching of Mohammed PBUH was "no harm nor harming".... you don't harm yourself nor others nor mother nature...
I'm not talking about banning freedom... I'm calling for banning selfishness.... is SO different...

Anonymous said...

There is no need at all of banning smoking...there were places were people (usually) smokers use to go this included pubs, restaurants.etc etc . Now more people smokes at home...what a great result for the non smoker s or children. Let's stop this Taliban-Burocratic idea that banning is good for someone else!
I am an adult if I want to die of cancer let it be. I need no good doers to think about my body or my soul..I will deal with both.