Sunday, October 28, 2007

Morning Rant | Students' store at JU

Today I went to buy a snack from the infamous student's store or as it is called "eljam3ieyh" to find it refurbished...
Excited? No!!!!
I was shocked with the new design... they have placed all the products behind glass walls deviding the space into sections and you go and ask the man behind the cashier to fetch you what you want!!!!
What is it with people these days? Why do you have to wrap and pack everything? Why are they dividing everything and systematizing things or actions that shouldn't be systematized?

Any normal person would like to walk closer to the products he/she wants to buy... inspecting the ingredients... reading the labels... and stroll while fetching what he/she wants...
But now... in the so-called-age-of-machine... you should separate yourself from the product... no senses used except seeing [from behind a screen]...

I got so frustrated and left without buying anything...

I don't like the new design...
I don't appreciate the mentalities taking decisions...
And yet another money is wasted into providing a solution for the wrong problem!!!!

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