Tuesday, March 28, 2006

No Smoking!

Smoking is one of the worst habits I've ever known… because unlike other habits not only it affects the smokers but none smokers as well…
I think that it is a very selfish act… the smoker joyfully puffs off the smoke while the person next to him/her coughs his/her soul out!!!
In Scotland [viva la Scotland]… they’ve put forward a law that would affect the life of the whole society by banning smoking in ALL public spaces and the law was put into action starting last Sunday 26th/March/2006…
I think it is a brilliant idea and I hope it will work out and give the people a chance to breathe the lovely fresh air of Scotland…
And I hope that this would set a good example to the rest of the world… to move forward to put an end to smoking once and for all…
To read more about the law click here
To read more about it from NHS click here...


Anonymous said...

Check out the editorial from the latest iWitness, on this very issue!


Roba said...

3o2bal 3end Amman! Smoking is soo disgusting here.. and a lot of times I don't go out to several places because I can't stand stinking like smoke.

Anonymous said...

I've been to Amman and experienced the smoke there (indoors). Interestingly, your smoke doesn't stink as badly as ours. So thank God for that at least! :)