Monday, May 04, 2009

me win | Techno me

This art piece is part of an art project I have done titled [Techno Me]...
In all my works for this project I focused more on the process of creating a piece... with the minimum computer post production effects and manipulations...

[Me win] mocks how can a message on the screen boost the human self esteem...

In this piece I use blank screen with only the sound of clicks then followed by a shot of the famous ending of [spider solitaire] computer game. Which is an obvious blinking message of [you win!]
In the background the sound of clicks is substituted with the sound of a human deep breathing.

In this work... I wanted to play around the fake sense of achievement aroused inside the person just by finishing a given task and being rewarded for it...

This piece is the oldest idea I had in my mind... many years ago...

:: Me Talk
:: Me Love

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