Saturday, October 28, 2006

rainy foggy day I amman

what a lovely rainy day in Amman... the rain... the rain... am a bit nostalgic...

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Happy Eid

Happy Eid...
May Allah accept from all of us... our prayers, fasting and good deeds...
May next year be a better one in a more peaceful world...
May Allah continue to bless us with His love, mercy and peace...
May we be better... and care more about one another...
May all of us rejoice with the happiness of fulfilling a month of worship...
May God bless all the needy souls out there...
Kul Aam wa antum bekhair...

Monday, October 09, 2006


و كم ذرفنا ليلة الرحيل من دموع... ثم اعتللنا خوف أن نلام بالمطر

translate: And how much tears we had on the night of farwell... and then fearing accusation we blamed it on the rain...

Friday, October 06, 2006

the moon... the moon...

the moon as seen from our living room window in Amman at the sunset of 13th/Ramadan/1427 hijri [today]

no matter what part of the wrold we are in! the moon... is still the same moon...