Saturday, September 13, 2008

Jordan University Farwell | Take 2

image by PipThePony | Flickr

The building that will be missed the most from JU... is definitely the Main Library...
The building is a typical early modern architecture with its free facade. It is built with red Granite.

The Library has a great and large selection of books and unlike the believed amongst students that it is out of date... IT IS NOT... if anyone took the trouble to search they would have found that...
Also in the past two years they have added the self-service book borrowing system where you don't have to wait in line for a desk clerk to help you... you can do everything alone... also the searching engine for books are done online and at the comfort of your own home... another thing is the e-library which gives you access to many e-books and journals and you have access to SpringerLink as well...

In the library I felt safe... more like visiting my sanctuary... the spooky aisles filled with dust books... the smell penetrates your nostrils making you a bit high...

I remember I had a practice of going to the library walking randomly and then pick any book and read it... by doing that... I got to know Emily Dickinson... and understand more about Sufism...

I'll miss the library and all the wonders it offered me...
Though they have a system for people outside the University to become members but I'll have to pay more and I'll have limited number of books and time...

Anyways I believe that the library is the one section of the university which have a clear vision of improvement and is actually pursuing it... and I hope it will continue that way...

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